“New York Council speaker Christine Quinn is up for re-election with very little competition aside from two female candidates. Quinn is sitting in a large chair and the the two women … trying to cut the chair down but not having much success.”
The decline of the late-night talk show host
This is a spot I did for the March 12 – 18, 2009 issue of the Las Vegas Weekly. Here is a tearsheet of the printed page:
Bloomberg’s Boost
For a spot in City Hall magazine, this illustration depicts New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (Ind.) with New York State Senator Martin Golden (R-Brooklyn.)
The headline reads, “In Boosting Bloomberg Among GOP, a Golden Opportunity for Political Payback, Helping an ’09 mayoral run could pave way for ’10 Congressional run.”
“State Senator Marty Golden is helping Michael Bloomberg get the Republican line this year, perhaps with an eye toward getting Bloomberg’s help to run against Rep. Michael McMahon next year.”
Spin Doctor
This is a cover I illustrated of Governor David Paterson for The Capitol magazine. The subhead reads, “David Paterson tries to find his inner governor.”
The Killers (of OZ)
Back in December of 2008, Ryan Olbrysh at the Las Vegas weekly requested an illustration for the review of the new Killers’ album (stipulating that they be illustrated to resemble the four main characters from the Wizard of Oz.)
The Bronze Fonz
In the June issue of Milwaukee Magazine I produced three spots of celebrity statues for their “Insider” page.
Here is the magazine tearsheet:
Oh Come All Ye (Un)faithful
You can’t go wrong with a headline like that! The Las Vegas Weekly enlisted me to do a satirical take on the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo, with God as Santa surrounded not by Angels, but elves.
The final layout of the cover:
Lucky Sevens
Luxury Las Vegas magazine asked me to illustrate a full page image depicting the popularity of the date July 7th, 2007 (7-7-07) for weddings.
Anchor Steam on Sutter
This was an illustration that I completed during the Illustration Academy workshop at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. It was supposed to summarize a feeling we had for the City during our stay, a visual snapshot if you will.