I contributed an illustration to a story in Vegas Seven Magazine (in the Music Section) written by Richard Abowitz. It is titled, “Re-Use, Recycle, Remix.” It contends that we are “reliant on the past that almost pushes beyond tribute. To some, this new music, which I find exciting, can sound mixed from too familiar ingredients.”
The Moveable Middle
I contributed an illustration to a story in Vegas Seven Magazine, It is in an article written by T.R. Witcher entitled, “The Moveable Middle” in the section Vegas Seven titles, “The Latest Thought—When politicians say they’re mainstream, what are they really telling us?” I obviously enjoy drawing serious people doing silly things and—in my mind—poking fun at political maneuvering in an election cycle via satirical illustration is therapeutic.
Places and Pasts
This was for a story in Vegas Seven Magazine. I was asked to illustrate an article written by Timothy O’Grady. It’s entitled, “Places and Pasts” and it contrasts life in the writer’s native Poland town of Torun to his recent ten month stay in Las Vegas.
Gambling Memoirs
For the Arts and Entertainment Reading section in Vegas Seven Magazine, I was asked to illustrate two contrasting stories about gambling in one spot. The article is entitled, “Of Girls and Gambling” in which “Two new female-penned memoirs show the spectrum of gambling, from addiction to ecstasy,” written by Richard Abowitz.
Assessing Bloomberg
City Hall Magazine contacted me to illustrate the cover of New York City Mayor Micheal Bloomberg. The article is titled, “An Assessment of Bloomberg’s Third Term So Far, Measuring Up.” It is always an honor to be asked to paint a cover for a client—City Hall is no exception. (This assignment was the beginning of a flurry of work a few days before I took a week off for summer vacation! Murphy’s Law or Karma?)
Left Leaning?
Mitchell Hoffman of City Hall Magazine recently asked me to illustrate an article about a progressive caucus and their efforts to pull City Hall in New York more to the left. I moved out of New York state way back in 1992 but these spots for Manhattan Media keep me fairly well-informed about New York politics. Ironic, isn’t it?
Bike with Mike
This spot illustration of Mayor Mike McGinn was commissioned by Seattle Met magazine’s Art Director, Benjamen Purvis. Apparently the Mayor of Seattle rides his bike to work every day. Writer Johnathon Fitzpatrick refers to him as the pedaling populist. “He inhales and exhales breaths as big and as earnest as his ideas. And he pedals. All the way to City Hall.”
Great stuff!
Zombie Mashup
I recently illustrated some zombies, vampires, robots and Abraham Lincoln for the Arts & Entertainment opener in Vegas Seven Magazine. It was for a story about Quirk Books editor Jason Rekulak. (He and Seth Grahame-Smith are responsible for the book Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.) You can read the article here, it was written by M. Scott Krause.
Comedy Isn’t Pretty
This is a portrait I painted of Comedian Matt Champagne for Vegas Seven Magazine. Matt writes about his recent gig doing stand-up for a week at the Riviera Hotel and Casino. Mr. Champagne doesn’t mince words when it comes to his complete loathing for the Riviera (and Sin City for that matter.) As for the mayonnaise, just read his article about the experience—after all, he’s a comedian and you could probably use a laugh.